Sunday 30 November 2014

Entry #16 November 30th 2014

Ebola outbreak: West Africa death toll nears 7,000

November 29th 2014

BBC News

Ebola has killed 6,928 people in West Africa. Infection rates are decreasing in some countries but are rising in others making it hard for the doctors to help everyone causing the same cycle. There has been over 4,000 deaths of Ebola just in Liberia, while suffering the most cases of Ebola, the rate is lowering. Many people that have Ebola don't know which means that they will interact with other people spreading it to more  of them.

I believe that the doctors are doing everything possible to prevent the disease from spreading outside of West Africa, but they need to find a cure fast or West Africa will lose a great deal of its population. I think that they should make the cure in Canada or the US instead of Africa, because they don't have the labs and research materials needed to make a cure in Africa.Health workers wearing Ebola protective gear remove the body of a man that they suspect died from the Ebola virus in Liberia

Entry #15 November 30th 2014

Airstrikes mark shift in coalition focus, to ISIS 'capital'

November 30th 2014

By: Eliott C. McLaughlin and Ray Sanchez

CNN News

As many people know, the ISIS crisis has been out of hand lately, but the US has been constantly bombing them . The airstrikes have been focused around Kobani, but just recently  they started bombing Raqqa due to increase ISIS presents. Many have died and have been injured in these bombings, but the US believes that ISIS training and storage units are here.

I believe that the US needs to send ground troops because their bombing isn't doing anything but hurting and killing innocent people. The US has said that they thought Kobani was where the head ISIS building was, but they were wrong.  They need to stop bombing and get ground troops there to get better intelligence and avoid killing more innocent  people.Photos: Syrian civil war in 2014

Entry #14 November 30th 2014

The search for answers begins in Ferguson

November 28th 2014

By: Omar El Akkad

Globe and Mail

Nearly 4 months after a white officer shot an unarmed 18 year old black man in Ferguson, Ferguson has become a dark city with protest going on and now spreading to other cities. This has illustrated what happens when three major flaws in the US come into effect; racism, poverty, and violence. What began as a local protest has quickly spread to all of the US and is now affecting some other countries were racism is a problem. Many of the whites in the town believe that there is a slight problem in the town,  but many believe that the blacks are over reacting to this.

I believe that the cop didn't do anything wrong for a few reasons. My first reason is that the teen robbed a convenient store and assaulted the cop before. The second reason is that based on the events that happened, it would have been difficult for the cop to know if the teen had a weapon. The last reason is that the teen isn't much of a teen, he's huge and he was charging at the cop when the cop shot him. For these three reasons I agree with the people from Ferguson that some people are over reacting, but if they admit that there is a problem, I think it would help to look into this issue further.
A woman takes a selfie at the Memorial on Canfield. After a week of unrest following Monday night's Grand Jury decision not to indict Officer Darren Wilson on any charges in the shooting of unarmed 18 year old Michael Brown, Ferguson MO celebrated Thanksgiving on Thursday under a cold and uneasy calm. Police and National Guard were stationed around the town as a dwindling news crews worked on the holiday. Protesters called for a boycott of black friday sales. (Natalie Keyssar for The Globe and Mail)

Sunday 9 November 2014

Entry #13 November 9th 2014

Warplanes hit convoy near Mosul in attempt to kill ISIS leaders

November 8th 2014

By: Ralph Ellis and Mohammad Tawfeeq

CNN News

As many people know the ISIS crisis is getting out of control in the Middle East and the US has been constantly bombing the areas ISIS controls. In a recent bombing near Mosul, the US believed they were bombing the area that the ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was. After asking some people, they realized that they weren't sure it was him, and after asking more people they confirmed that it was an area that ISIS will want to take over being the second largest city and having a high mineral resource. The US believe that the leader was injured or killed during the bombings.

I believe that the US should not be bombing towns because there are people there that are not part of ISIS. I agree that they need to take out the ISIS leader, but they need to do it in a way that will not involve people that aren't part of ISIS getting killed. This would require ground troops in Iraq and Syria. I believe that if the UN were to put ground troops in Iraq and Syria when this started, it would be over by now, instead they just keep bombing allowing ISIS to keep growing.
Photos: The ISIS terror threat

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Entry #12 November 3rd 2014

Drone-maker wants to take 'selfies' to the skies

October 30th 2014

By: Katie Hunt

CNN News

DJI, A Chinese company leader of personal and commercial drones, has created a personal that follows you and takes selfies for you. This drone is mad of white plastic so it doesn’t look too scary in the current world. DJI believes that the phantom photography drone will be just another camera in your bag and instead of selfies people will start taking dronies. The only problem about these drones is that many people will not trust them in fear that they have been hacked in to do to lack of security in the camera. A different concern is that terrorists could use the drones has a mean for weaponry.  The drones provide a large amount of pollution creating them and disposing of them.

I believe that it is neat but to have these the security would have to be pretty good so hackers will not be able to access the camera. Of course there will still be a few but the security still needs to be high. I also believe that these won't be popular for many years do to the large amount of pollution and the sheer size of them. DJI might have thought they made a cool invention but he phantom photography drone still needs a lot of work.

Drones like the Phantom will soon become another

Entry #11 October 25th 2014

Ebola quarantines in U.S.: Are they warranted?

Oct, 25th 2014

By: Daniel Schwartz

CBC News

As many people know Ebola has been spreading like a wildfire in West Africa, and after deploying more than seven hundred international staff to treat Ebola patients in West Africa, a Doctors Without Borders doctor has been diagnosed with Ebola after returning home to New York City.  As soon as it was released that another doctor got Ebola and came to the United states the argument for better protocols became a lot more vivid. The only two people that the doctor had extended contact with since he's been back are his fiancĂ©e and two of his friends. They are now in quarantine for 21 days or until it is proven that they did not catch Ebola.

My opinion on this situation is that the US should've had the best machines there to scan or test people for Ebola before letting them come to America. They should also have a daily check in the hospitals to make sure every suit is uncontaminated and usable to avoid someone catching Ebola. I believe that after this, the US will start to check THEIR borders more thoroughly instead of the African border. this will be un successful because Ebola will already be in the US.

Entry #10 October 20th 2014

Countdown to extinction: Only 6 northern white rhinos left on Earth

Mon October 20, 2014

By:  Ben Brumfield

CNN News

The countdown to extinction has started for the northern white rhinos. On Friday October 17th Suni one of seven northern white rhinos left in the world was found lifeless in his den. Sino was also one of 2 breeding males left. Suni was put in a reserve habitat with a breed able female rhino. They mated 2 times with no offspring. Now the female has been flown to a different habitat with an other breed able female and the last breed able male. The northern whit rhino is a relative to the southern whit rhino which were almost extinct has well but the efforts of naturists have brought the species back up to 20, 000. Suni was 34 when he died and it was confirmed that he was not pouched for his horns which his thousands of ancestors were. The person in charge of raising Suni said that they can only hope that there are more white rhinos in the world that they cannot find.

In my opinion I think that it is exhalent that people are trying to save the northern white rhino the same way they did with the southern white rhino. I think that it is terrible how people will kill a species until extinction just to use one part of he animal. If they were using all of the animal to survive it is different that how they live, and even if all you want is the horn you can capture it and cut part the horn off not all and let the rhino live, just like they have done with all the rhinos they have left. I agree with Suni's supervisor, I hope that there are northern white rhino's left that people have not found.

Suni was one of the last northern white rhinos in the world.

Tuesday 21 October 2014

Entry #9 October 16th 2014

Putin set to meet Western leaders on Ukraine at Milan gathering

Thursday, Oct. 16 2014,

By: Vladimir Isachenkov Colleen Barry

The Globe and Mail

Russian President, Vladimir Putin, is mounting a diplomatic blitz on the sidelines of a summit of European and Asian leaders opening Thursday in a bid to escape the Ukraine Crisis.  Putin will discuss Ukraine during a working breakfast with Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and key European leaders off to the side. He may also talk to Petro Poroshenko in private.  The trip offers Putin the first chance to discuss the Ukrainian crisis with European leaders since his visit to France in June to attend the D-Day anniversary. Vladimir Putin's arrival in Milan started protests before he even got there. European and Asian leaders are gathering in Milan for the 10th ASEM summit, which aims to forge closer economic and cultural ties and confront common threats. The two-day summit opens against the backdrop of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, student protests in Hong Kong and escalating concerns about the Ebola virus. Petro Poroshenko talked to Vladimir Putin over the telephone and said that he hopes to see changes for the better after this meeting.

In my opinion I think that Vladimir Putin should have never got involved with the Ukraine and avoided this entire situation. He has caused an international turmoil, when there are already many international crisis to deal with first. I think that by the leaders of Europe and Asia have to solve this quickly, so they can go help Syria and Iraq with ISIS before ISIS takes over Syria and Iraq 
Russian President Vladimir Putin reviews a guard of honor during a welcoming ceremony in Belgrade on Oct. 16, 2014. (DARKO VOJINOVIC/ASSOCIATED PRESS)

Entry #8 October 15th

Coalition hits ISIS hard in Kobani; militants keep pushing

Wednesday October 15th

By: Ashley Fantz and Susanna Capelouto

CNN News

As many people know the ISIS crisis is getting out of control, on Tuesday, 14th 2014 ISIS fighters surrounded Ein Al-Assad the biggest Iraqi air base.  Anbar has been largely overrun by ISIS, which has been waging war for months in order to establish a caliphate, or a society run by strict Sharia law. It has also taken over large swaths of Syria, near the border with Turkey. Nearly 60 countries are in the effort to stop ISIS. The Iraqi army's track record in fighting ISIS is not good. It has lost control of Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, and is now struggling to keep control over Anbar.

I believe that Russia should get involved more in this and stop "bulling" Ukraine. If all the European and North American power houses got seriously involved in this instead of just bombing ISIS they would stand a lot bigger chance because the Turkish border will not stand for ever and once ISIS gets into turkey the flood gates open and ISIS will start  spreading throughout Europe and Russia .

Entry #7 Octrober 10th 2014

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un misses shrine visit

October 10th, 2014

By Madison Park

CNN News

The mystery of Kim Jong Un's whereabouts deepened Friday after the North Korean leader appeared to have missed a ceremony to pay tribute to his late father and grandfather on what is an important national anniversary. According to KCNA, flowers were presented at the shrine in Kim's name, but the most senior official to attend was Hwang Pyong So, North Korea's second most important leader, who recently attended the closing ceremony of the 17th Asian Games in South Korea. Kim hasn't been seen in public since he reportedly attended a concert with his wife on September 3. It's his longest absence from official events since he made his first public appearance in 2010. He had been seen hobbling earlier in the summer, prompting theories ranging from weight gain to gout. There have also been questions about the possible meaning behind his absence: Is he genuinely sick, or are there machinations within the North Korean power circle. The officials noted that previous North Korean leaders Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il disappeared for long stretches of time, only to re-emerge and cast aside rumors about their leadership.

I think that King Kim Jong Un is not sick or that there is no change in the power circle, I think that Kim Jong Un is just staying out of public eye to take a break or to get people talking about him. Like Hitler and other leaders they would show up late or go out of public eye for a while to build up anticipation for them to arrive or to get people talking about them. All the things that North Korea is doing for a bit still will go to Kim Jong Un it is just that we don't see it to build up our anticipation for his return or over through. 

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Entry #6- October 7th 2014

Antikythera wreck yields new treasures
Oct. 7th 2014

BBC News

The Antikythera was a boat, which dates from 70-60BC, was famously first identified by Greek sponge divers more than 100 years ago.  Its greatest treasure is the remains of a geared "computer" that was used to calculate the positions of astronomical objects. The found a giant bronze spear which they believe belongs to a statue because there were many statues on other wrecks. The wreck is in 55m of water and requires divers use rebreathers. Even so, their time on the bottom is limited to just three hours. The expedition witnessed the first use of a new robotic Iron Man-like diving apparatus called the Exosuit. This enables its occupants to stay down for up to 50 hours, if necessary.  The team plans to return next year. It is believed many more treasures await discovery. There has been speculation that the vessel, which was probably travelling from the coast of Asia Minor to Rome when lost, was carrying a soon-to-be-married woman and her dowry.

I believe that this is an amazing find and that archeologist should look more deeply into the artifact. I believe this because they might not be from 70BC they might be newer and they might be older. I believe that archeologist should look more deeply into the area like they said but through out the all seasons because the change in temperatures could bring different things up.
Antikythera shipwreck

Entry #5- Sept. 30th 2014

Islamic State crisis: Heavy fighting on Iraq-Syria border
Published: Sept 30th 2014

Cite BBC News

As many people know the ISIS crisis is getting out of hand but the people of Syria Iraq are starting to fight back for themselves.  and Iraq and Kurdish troops hold the border between Iraq and Syria so now the ISIS cant go back and forth at will. Turkish tanks have taken up positions along the border near the Syrian town of Kobane after several shells hit Turkish territory during clashes between ISIS and Kurdish fighters. The Turkish military asked the government to let them take military action against ISIS and it will be talked about in a meeting on Thursday.

In my opinion I think that it is good that Syria is fighting back for themselves. I think Turkey should go and help Syria instead of holding the border because if they don’t and ISIS spreads more it will spread in to Turkey like its already doing. In other words I think that other countries around Syria and Iraq should get involved before ISIS spreads to them
Islamic State flag on frontline with Kurdish fighters at Mullah Abdullah Bridge between Irbil and Kirkuk. 27 Sept 2014

Friday 26 September 2014

Entry #4-Sept 25th 2014

Sep 24, 2014

CBC News

'The only language understood by killers like this is the language of force,' President tells UN.

As many people know, ISIS has been getting out of hand lately and U.S. President, Barack Obama,  declared the world to be at a crossroads between war and peace. He promised that, on Wednesday, he would lead a coalition to dismantle the ISIS network of death that has wreaked havoc in the Middle East and drawn the U.S. back into military action in the region. President Obama also said the U.S. would be a respectful and constructive partner in confronting the militants through force. He said that he wants the people in the Middle East to address this problem by themselves. President Obama also said that "Ultimately, the task of rejecting sectarianism and extremism is a generational task a task for the people of the Middle East themselves. No external power can bring about a transformation of hearts and minds."  The U.S has been bombing constantly over the last couple of weeks, and President Obama doesn’t want to continue bombing,  but due to recent threats Obama has been drawn back into it. 

I believe that the U.S should get their military there as soon as possible to help the Middle East get around this crisis. I don’t think that by just bombing them that  they are having a major effect because they are also killing civilians that live in that town (or city).  I think President Obama  should stop talking about what he is going to do and start doing it. President Obama has been taking about sending troops to help and how the U.S will bomb them, now he said they should solve their own problem. I think he should make up his mind and do what ever it is he decides on.

UN General Assembly Obama

Wednesday 24 September 2014

Entry #3-September 23rd 2014

Published: 22nd September 2014

Cite: BBC News World

As people know, the crisis on ISIS is getting out of control. And to make matters worse Turkey (one of Syria's neighbouring countries) has closed its borders off to the people of Syria. This was caused by Kurds protesting and wanting to go into Syria and fight the ISIS. Before this current border lock-down, there has been over a million refugees from Syria into Turkey. On Monday, two out of nine border gates were open. Turkey fears that the Kurds are trying to join the Syrian military. The worry is that, renewed by fresh recruits, it could ally with the outlawed PKK and launch attacks on Turkish soil. There has been multiple demonstrations by the Kurds (mostly on the Turkish side of the border). Some of the protesters through stones at the security guard which responded with water cannons and tear gas. The PKK has also called the Kurds to join the fights against ISIS. People say that the recent events here have shaken a fragile peace between Turkish and Kurds. ISIS is closing in a the Kurdish town of Kobane. The attack started on Tuesday, September 16th, and by that Sunday, ISIS was about 10 km away. Reports say that ISIS are using heavy weapons in the attack including tanks. Attacking ISIS in Syria is considered more complicated, partly because of the strength of the country's air defence system and because foreign strikes do not have the approval of President Assad. President Obama has previously ruled out the involvement of US ground troops, and has instead promised to provide arms and training to local forces fighting against ISIS.

Map shows Iraq and Syria, areas under IS control

I believe that the Syrian Prime Minister should let the U.S and the U.K do air strikes because if they don’t they will start to lose more land to ISIS. I also believe that Turkey should allow the Kurds to do what they want because by not letting them go to help, they are practically asking for civil war. The Turkish are afraid that if they let the Kurds go they will join the military, and the military would supply them with weapons. The Turkish are afraid that they will use these weapons against them. I also think that the U.S should get there to help as soon as possible so things don’t spiral to far out of control.

Sunday 21 September 2014

Entry #2-Sunday September 21st

Results of Scotland independence referendum: 'No' campaign victorious

Published: Friday September 19th

Author: Euan McKirdy, Laura Smith-Spark and Nic Robertson

Site: CNN World

As many people know, Scotland had a vote on Thursday, Sept. 18th, to become independent and not part of the United Kingdom. The People of Scotland have made up their mind that they will be staying part of the U.K. The vote final score was 54% of people saying no and 46% of people saying yes. Even though in Glasgow and a few other towns more people said yes then no, the difference was not big enough to sway the vote to independence. Out of Scotland's 5.3 million population, 4.2 million voted for this cause. British Prime Minister David Cameron said, before the voting, that in the event that the Scottish do stay part of the United Kingdom they will be granted more rights and the same goes to Wales and Northern Ireland. During the voting, people were saying that there was fraud going on with the voting even though they had no real proof. The council did state that there was no double voting and if there was, they are looking through records to make sure there was none. For the first time, the vote was extended to 16 and 17 year olds can vote, and almost 110, 000 people under the age of 18 voted. Some of the rules of voting were if you lived in Scotland but you had a different citizenship before, you were not allowed to vote to make sure they didn’t have a bias opinion from other countries, but if you were Scottish and you lived outside of Scotland you were not allowed to vote either. Nearly 800, 000 people applied for a postal vote, the most ever in Scotland.

I think that it is good that Scotland stayed because if Scotland were to leave, they would still need a lot of support from the U.K. because their healthcare would go down and the elderly wouldn't be getting their retirement money. I also think that by England giving more rights to Scotland and the other countries that are part of the U.K., they are preventing other situations like this from occurring
. Scotland, even if they don't know it, is still very reliable on England for their economy and their healthcare.

pasted from:

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Entry #1-Sept 14th 2014

Ukraine crisis: Poroshenko offers rebels more autonomy

September 10th, 2014

BBC, News

As many people know, there are issues in the Ukraine right now, but the recent cease fire has changed a lot.  Since the Pro-Russian Rebels and the Ukrainian government first started clashing, more then 2000 people have died, but a truce came into effect on Friday September 5th, 2014. Before the truce, the Rebels had taken over multiple towns across eastern Ukraine including Novoazovsk and Bezimenne (has shown in map below). President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has stated that since the truce was made the situation has changed drastically to the better. Although Russia has denied sending troops into Ukraine, the latest Ukrainian (and other countries) intelligence stated that Russian troops have crossed back into Russia.  Russia was called to help the United Nations investigate war crimes in the Ukraine.

I think that the cease fire is a good idea and a step in the right direction in order to solve the present problems and let the families of the people that have died, have a chance to morn their lost ones.  During this cease fire, Ukraine should help get the citizens that are there, out so they don’t get injured or die.  I also think that Ukraine should try and keep this truce going for as long as they can so they can avoid further destruction and death.