Tuesday 14 October 2014

Entry #6- October 7th 2014

Antikythera wreck yields new treasures
Oct. 7th 2014

BBC News

The Antikythera was a boat, which dates from 70-60BC, was famously first identified by Greek sponge divers more than 100 years ago.  Its greatest treasure is the remains of a geared "computer" that was used to calculate the positions of astronomical objects. The found a giant bronze spear which they believe belongs to a statue because there were many statues on other wrecks. The wreck is in 55m of water and requires divers use rebreathers. Even so, their time on the bottom is limited to just three hours. The expedition witnessed the first use of a new robotic Iron Man-like diving apparatus called the Exosuit. This enables its occupants to stay down for up to 50 hours, if necessary.  The team plans to return next year. It is believed many more treasures await discovery. There has been speculation that the vessel, which was probably travelling from the coast of Asia Minor to Rome when lost, was carrying a soon-to-be-married woman and her dowry.

I believe that this is an amazing find and that archeologist should look more deeply into the artifact. I believe this because they might not be from 70BC they might be newer and they might be older. I believe that archeologist should look more deeply into the area like they said but through out the all seasons because the change in temperatures could bring different things up.
Antikythera shipwreck

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