Tuesday 16 September 2014

Entry #1-Sept 14th 2014

Ukraine crisis: Poroshenko offers rebels more autonomy

September 10th, 2014

BBC, News

As many people know, there are issues in the Ukraine right now, but the recent cease fire has changed a lot.  Since the Pro-Russian Rebels and the Ukrainian government first started clashing, more then 2000 people have died, but a truce came into effect on Friday September 5th, 2014. Before the truce, the Rebels had taken over multiple towns across eastern Ukraine including Novoazovsk and Bezimenne (has shown in map below). President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, has stated that since the truce was made the situation has changed drastically to the better. Although Russia has denied sending troops into Ukraine, the latest Ukrainian (and other countries) intelligence stated that Russian troops have crossed back into Russia.  Russia was called to help the United Nations investigate war crimes in the Ukraine.

I think that the cease fire is a good idea and a step in the right direction in order to solve the present problems and let the families of the people that have died, have a chance to morn their lost ones.  During this cease fire, Ukraine should help get the citizens that are there, out so they don’t get injured or die.  I also think that Ukraine should try and keep this truce going for as long as they can so they can avoid further destruction and death.

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