Sunday 9 November 2014

Entry #13 November 9th 2014

Warplanes hit convoy near Mosul in attempt to kill ISIS leaders

November 8th 2014

By: Ralph Ellis and Mohammad Tawfeeq

CNN News

As many people know the ISIS crisis is getting out of control in the Middle East and the US has been constantly bombing the areas ISIS controls. In a recent bombing near Mosul, the US believed they were bombing the area that the ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, was. After asking some people, they realized that they weren't sure it was him, and after asking more people they confirmed that it was an area that ISIS will want to take over being the second largest city and having a high mineral resource. The US believe that the leader was injured or killed during the bombings.

I believe that the US should not be bombing towns because there are people there that are not part of ISIS. I agree that they need to take out the ISIS leader, but they need to do it in a way that will not involve people that aren't part of ISIS getting killed. This would require ground troops in Iraq and Syria. I believe that if the UN were to put ground troops in Iraq and Syria when this started, it would be over by now, instead they just keep bombing allowing ISIS to keep growing.
Photos: The ISIS terror threat

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